Tinned Copper Wire offered by us are complex in shape and are used as overhead power source for subways, light and heavy transit systems, electrically powered mine trains, buses, and industrial cranes. Tinned copper wire is manufactured in three stages. During the first stage, wires are drawn in a specific size with electrolyte copper. After that wire goes to second stage in which annealing is done. In the final stage for tinned copper wire, tin plating is done through either of following 2 ways:
Hot dip process: Tin Plated Copper Wire
In this process the tin is melted in electric pot and the electrolytic copper wire is made dip through this melted tin which results in tin coated copper wire
Electroplating process: Tin Plated Copper Wire
During this process the wire is taken through a chemical tray and with the help of rectifier and electric current to DC current is passed, which results in electroplating. This process is used for house wiring, control panel cable & other electric & electronic wires as well as cables too.
Please contact us for all your needs of
Tinned Copper Wire
at best prices from India. We are the biggest Indian Manufacturers Exporters of